Application For Employment Last Name *First Name *M.I. Cell: *Email: *Home: Home Address > Street: *City: *State: *Zip: *College Address > Street: City: State: Zip: Social Security Number: Sex: MFBirth Date: *Age: EDUCATIONHigh School: Grade: College: Year: QUALIFICATIONSLifeguard Training And CPR: Exp. Date: Pool Operators License: Exp. Date: If currently certified in CPR & Lifeguard Training and/or Pool Operators, attach below an image of each active card:CPR & Lifeguard Training (front) Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 1 files. CPR & Lifeguard Training (back) Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 1 files. Pool Operators License Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 1 files. LIFEGUARD EXPERIENCE1. Employer Pool Dates Position Held 2. Employer Pool Dates Position Held 3. Employer Pool Dates Position Held Earliest Date Available To Work: Last Date Available To Work: Vacation dates: (Finding substitutes is the responsibility of each employee)Full-Time: YESNOPart-Time: YESNOSubstitute: YESNOIf Part-Time, availability: Comments: 1. Are you available for pre-season part-time clean-up work, starting two (2) weeks prior to Memorial Day weekend? *YESNO2. Are you available for full or part-time work (including weekends) starting Memorial Day weekend? *YESNO3. Are you involved in any activities, i.e. - team sports, church, band, etc. at any time during the pool season, that may conflict with a full-time schedule? *YESNOIf yes, please explain: 4. I understand that if I plan to go on vacation I am responsible for acquiring a qualified substitute. *YESNO5. I understand that I must have in my possession all required original certifications and licenses (i.e. - lifeguard training, pool operators, CPR, first aid, etc.) while on duty. *YESNO6. I understand that I am responsible for all of my scheduled hours and that substitutes are only permitted in cases of illness or pre-approved absences. *YESNO7. I understand that I must wear protective equipment (goggles, gloves and apron) while handling any chemical. *YESNO8. I understand that, if hired, I am required to purchase an Atlantic Pool Service, Inc. uniform and wear it at all times while on duty. *YESNO9. I understand that, if hired by Atlantic Pool Service, Inc. and I am 15 years of age or younger I must obtain a work permit prior to commencing work. *YESNO10. I understand that if my work schedule calls for a break period, I will not be paid for that break period. *YESNO11. I understand that I will not be paid for any time I am not at my pool, i.e. - inclement weather, mechanical breakdown, etc. *YESNO12. I understand that if I am given a set of pool keys by Atlantic Pool Service, Inc. it is my responsibility to return those same keys to the Atlantic Pool Service, Inc. office at 4129 Village Court, Annandale, VA 22003 prior to the release of my final paycheck. *YESNO13. I agree to follow the Atlantic Pool Service, Inc. bloodbourne pathogens policy as outlined in our employee handbook. *YESNO14. I agree to follow all policies outlined in our employee handbook. *YESNO15. I agree to allow Atlantic Pool Service, Inc. to use my name, image and likeness on their website, in promotional materials, social media and the like. *YESNOI certify that all information herein contained is true and accurate.E-Signature: * Today's Date: *MessageSubmit